EMNLP 2024 is extremely grateful to all sponsors. We simply couldn’t run the conference without the help of these generous organizations. We thank them sincerely for their ongoing support of the NLP/CL community.
If your organization would like to sponsor EMNLP or other conferences in the ACL family, please refer to the sponsorship brochure for information about sponsorship rates and benefits. If you are currently a sponsor of EMNLP 2024, please review the EMNLP 2024 Sponsorship Manual for guidelines. Sponsors who are exhibiting will have a manual posted soon.





Diversity and Inclusion: Ally

Contact for Sponsors
For more information, please reach out to the sponsorship chairs: Leonardo Neves and Heba Elfardy.
D&I Initiatives
As a sponsor, you can also help us with our diversity and inclusion (D&I) initiatives through D&I sponsorship. The goal of this initiative is to make the conference more accessible to people from underrepresented groups and geographic regions, provide accommodations to researchers with disabilities, and make the conference more welcoming to newcomers. As the registration fees can be 2 to 10 times the minimum wage in many parts of the world, the D&I committee reaches out to NLP researchers from underrepresented groups and offers registration fee waivers, travel grants, caregiving subsidies, etc. We also organize theme-based academic mentoring sessions and affinity group socials/workshops to help newcomers and early-career researchers.
Novel D&I Initiatives
This year, in addition to our other initiatives, we plan to trial the ACL Fellow Lunch, where students and junior researchers meet with past and current ACL Fellows.
Our D&I initiatives would not be successful without the help of sponsors. In previous conferences, we have been able to reach out to hundreds of NLP researchers around the world. At ACL 2023, more than 166 applied for D&I subsidies and with the help of our sponsors, we offered 10 full travel grants, 7 in-person registration fee waivers, 46 virtual waivers and 43 ACL membership waivers, and 1 childcare subsidy.
Contact for D&I Initiatives
For more information, please reach out to the D&I chairs: Christos Christodoulopoulos, Veronica Perez-Rosas and Danish Pruthi.