Call For Volunteers

Update (2024/10/16): The deadline for applications has passed and all the volunteers have been selected.

Student Volunteer Program

A limited number of student volunteers are needed for the success of EMNLP 2024. Please apply here

Tasks may include assisting at the registration desk, filling delegate packs, managing poster board sessions and displays, serving as volunteer coordinator for the day, providing AV/technical support, and assisting with tutorials and workshops. There will also be a limited number of opportunities for support with virtual conference activities.

In exchange for 10 hours of work, student volunteers receive free registration to the main conference (including the ACL membership fee of the current year), workshops, tutorials, and the social events. The work will be divided into two or more shifts, and the shifts will be scheduled to maximize volunteer access to conference events.

Please note that we cannot provide funds for travel or accommodation. Travel funds for eligible students may be available from the Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) Program [link TBD].

Tentative Important Dates

All deadlines are 23:59 UTC -12h (“anywhere on Earth”).

  • Application portal opens: 28 August 2024
  • Application deadline: 30 September 2024
  • Acceptance notifications: 11 October 2024 (subject to change)

Selection Criteria

The selection process for the Student Volunteer Program will involve a careful evaluation of the materials submitted by applicants. We encourage both newcomers and those with prior volunteer experience to apply. Priority consideration will be given to individuals who meet the following two criteria:

  • Students who will be presenting a paper at the main conference or an associated workshop, whether in person or online.
  • Students who demonstrate financial need. We recommend that applicants include with their application a letter from their faculty advisor to explain financial need, if possible.

IMPORTANT: Applicants who are selected must commit to attending the training sessions and fulfilling the assigned responsibilities. If you are unsure whether you will attend the conference, please do not apply. We expect every accepted volunteer to show up and demonstrate enthusiasm for helping out the conference.

Application Procedure

Applicants for the Student Volunteer Program must be full-time students at the undergraduate or graduate level. If feasible, we will also consider applications from postdocs who lack travel funding and very recent PhDs who have not yet secured employment.

Applications will be collected via Google Form, which will ask for information to demonstrate your eligibility and allow you to submit a CV, and where applicable, a letter from their advisor demonstrating financial need. A link to the Google Form will be posted here by August 28, 2024. The deadline for applications will be September 30, 2024.

You are free to make your travel arrangements at your convenience, but DO NOT REGISTER for the conference until you have received an email confirming that you have been accepted as a volunteer. This email will explain how to get a registration link that will waive the registration fee. If you are not accepted, the registrar will work with you to secure early registration fee rates even if the deadline for early registration has passed.

Important Reminders

  • Student volunteers receive free registration and ACL membership for the year.
  • Volunteers are responsible for travel and accommodations. Travel funds for eligible students may be available from the Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) program [link TBD].
  • Please apply for the program only if you are sure you will attend.
  • We tentatively plan to notify acceptance of student volunteer status by October 11, 2024. Please do not register for the conference before that.
  • Student volunteers who do not show up to their training sessions and their assigned duties will be charged the full cost after the conference.

Student Volunteer Chairs